Where did the last year go?

I was just thinking after a day of meetings, Where did my year go?  2014 has come and gone, while I’m still scratching my head about what actually got accomplished.  Mostly, I think that I’ve been quite productive that I have missed the fact that my year has ended and a new one began.  But the reality is that I always seem to think about the time when I could have done this or that, but didn’t. I’m not much for New Years Resolutions (proof in just reflecting on last year), but I do want to make this year count.  My resolution of sorts is to zero in one what matters the most in my life.  I’m not putting me first.  I’m not looking out for number 1, but instead I want to swim against the current.  God grant me the courage to serve others this year.  It is truly in service to others that I can discover myself.  And recover my year, which is not about me but others.


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