Meaningless Dialogue

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Have you ever had a conversation that seemed so important, and you think about it later and it made absolutely no sense?  In fact, the whole of the dialogue was a waste of useful time that could have been spent doing something meaningful rather than pontificating on nonsense.  Just me….okay.  I’m a work in progress, and I understand that about myself.   But it’s equally disheartening when I see another adult spend a lifetime on propagating meaningless ideals with the intent to distribute.  It makes me sick.  What you ask? The intent to convince people that without our invaluable knowledge on things the show won’t go on.    We all have value and different skills that can enhance one another.  That’s the beauty of humanity.  However, pride has always been the overarching poison that hinders our progress.  Our hunger for domination and power is like cancer that abnormally divides one another into factions that fight for positions rather than against our opposition.

I’m still becoming the person that God has fashioned.  But I don’t want to spend my life, being my own cheerleader.  Meaning is in the eye of the beholder, I get that.  But there is action that must take place beyond our love of our own sound.   Bob Goff wrote a book that is entitled, Love Does and he was right.  When other people are important to us a wonderful thing takes place, service.  And this is a gift that we can all give one another.   I know I’ll have many more sessions of meaningless dialogue.  But my hope is that it would never define me.  My service to others will.


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